About Me

I am Olivia, a Mum to 3 beautiful children & I am a certified sleep consultant in child and infant sleep training.
Did your children sleep well? I get asked this a lot and no is the answer. My first, Florence slept 'through the night' from 4 months but at this time I was living in Plymouth with no family nearby and a husband in the military who was away for the first 13 months of her life, so we had to have routine and with a little sleep training she slept well early on. Theo and Rory however were terrible sleepers and I now know that it was because of me!! Every whimper, cry, rustle of the sheet had me in their room in a flash and so it was me waking them up! As soon as I stopped doing this they slept really well and still do now (most the time!). So I know all too well how bad sleep deprivation can be and I also know how easily it can be fixed. You and your little one don’t have to suffer any longer, you shouldn’t have to dread bedtime, this should be a calm and natural process for your child, but they need to be taught how to do this. Just like teaching your child to toilet train or feed themselves, you need to teach them to sleep, it doesn’t come naturally.
I can offer you comprehensive sleep training packages that are tailored specifically to your child. Not all children are the same and so I believe there is no one size fits all when it comes to sleep, each child is different and everyone's parenting style is different.
With me you are not purchasing a generic online sleep programme like many other sleep consultancies offer. You will receive a personal sleep assessment that is tailored to suit your child and their sleep associations.
There will be no leaving your child to cry for hours on end, (I can’t bear the thought of this) you will be given options and I will work with you to achieve your desired outcome either in home or via phone / email / skype. I am here to cheer you along with all the success and to just listen to you when it has all become too much. Please don’t suffer with fatigue anymore, parenthood is and always will be exhausting, yes, but you don’t have to feel depleted. Don’t doubt yourself, you can get the sleep you deserve and I want to help you get there.